Collaborative cloud platform allows the project team members work on the business case together. Fast. Secure. On spot.
Bring technical, cost and market uncertainty together to see the full picture of the risk.
We can factor in the value of flexibility that allows to make certain project choices in 10-20 years from now into project valuation done today.
A wide range of project KPIs and metrics displayed as distributions that provide full understanding of the value and risk.
Cloud platform that is security approved by the standard of largest Norwegian energy companies
Analyse several projects put into one portfolio. Optimise value, diversification and risk.
Store all business cases in a single protected environment. Update project inputs over time and see how the economics have evolved.
Build a full picture regarding uncertainty in the project
Prevent the information loss when communicating data between engineers to financial analysts
Communicate analysis with the project steering committees, board and authorities
We provide a collaborative environment bring the whole project team on the same platform. We provide a better decision making support and better communication between devisions
We integrate hydrocarbon production, cost (CAPEX and OPEX) and price (oil/gas/NGL) uncertainty.
Today new projects are becoming more complex, more interconnected and require knowledge in totally different domains.
They are exposed to an increasing uncertainty landscape with new market risks like electricity and carbon prices, new taxes and regulations.
Twenty thirty years ago flexibility to change the course of a project over it lifetime did not really play a major role in investment decisions. Projects were so profitable that the main aim was to get them in operation as fast as possible. Today with marginal fields and depleting existing large filed, the value that this flexibility can make a significant different for investment decisions.
At this stage ProDecs is most useful for economic analysis of existing oil and gas discoveries. From 2025 we plan to start extending functionality and make it more impactful for project analysis in renewables, CCS and mining.